The wooden shape was bought for 0,99 € at an Art Store (idee, Holz-Kerzentülle) and has a diameter of 4cm. I sanded it down a little to smooth the edge and to prepare for painting.

If you can use airbrush, it gives the cleanest painting results, but I don't have a system. So I used some non-fuzzy cloth and covered a sponge with it. Just a sponge would work too, but mine was already a little old. Brushes give nasty stroke lines most of the time.
There were 4 layers of white paint dabbed on it, within each application I waited some minutes to let the colour dry a bit. The white was dried completely (time depends on the colour used) then some yellow layers were added until it was opaque. (The wooden form is pinned on a colour bottle with some tape for easier handling)

Anyway, this way I added the medli's symbol in a vibrant red. Just some small corrections with a small brush after removing the duct tape and tadaaa:

Since this one is cupped on the other side, I just used the brutal method and casted in a pin with two-component polyurethane.
If you ever want to do such a pin think of something better (and cheaper) I just had the PUR left over from another project anyway. Hot-glue for example would work out for sure, too.

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