The wooden shape was bought for 0,99 € at an Art Store (idee, Holz-Kerzentülle) and has a diameter of 4cm. I sanded it down a little to smooth the edge and to prepare for painting.
If you can use airbrush, it gives the cleanest painting results, but I don't have a system. So I used some non-fuzzy cloth and covered a sponge with it. Just a sponge would work too, but mine was already a little old. Brushes give nasty stroke lines most of the time.
There were 4 layers of white paint dabbed on it, within each application I waited some minutes to let the colour dry a bit. The white was dried completely (time depends on the colour used) then some yellow layers were added until it was opaque. (The wooden form is pinned on a colour bottle with some tape for easier handling)

I could have let it be like this for base colour, since the reference only shows yellow, but I thought since it is jewellery, it should at least sparkle a little bit. Not too much though, it should still stay in it's comic style look. To achieve this I added a thin layer of gold first and some more thin layers of yellow mixed with gold, since my gold was not yellow enough and too dark.

Again dried completely. Now, I made a stencil for the symbol on it, this was the trickiest part. First I tried to to it out of foil, but i figured it was quite hard to attach properly and securely. Then I tried out on a not so visible part it the brown packaging tape would damage the paint it applied directly on top. It didn't and I covered the pin with it an carefully designed on the duct-tape and cut it out directly on top of it. Even with little pressure it'll leave some tiny marks at the edges, not very noticeable, but I'll have to think of a better method when I have more time.
Anyway, this way I added the medli's symbol in a vibrant red. Just some small corrections with a small brush after removing the duct tape and tadaaa:

Finished of with matte varnish. To attach the pin to the clothes it still needs, well a pin (^.^)
Since this one is cupped on the other side, I just used the brutal method and casted in a pin with two-component polyurethane.
If you ever want to do such a pin think of something better (and cheaper) I just had the PUR left over from another project anyway. Hot-glue for example would work out for sure, too.